My first half-marathon – Randolf does the Cape Town Peninsula Marathon 2011

Posted on Feb 23, 2011 under Peninsula Marathon | 1 Comment

peninsula marathon 2011

While my original plan was to premiere with my first half-marathon in April 2011 for Two Oceans Marathon 2011 a spontaneous decision made me enter and run the Peninsula Marathon in Cape Town on February 20th. 9 days prior to race I felt fit enough for the 21km race, even though I’ve never done more than 16 km before, and I was bold enough to signed up for start number 4227.

My Problems only began thursday before the race sunday, when my new Asics running shoes I had just bought in December were stolen and I decided to go for a last pre-race 13km run in my 5 year old Nikes. Just after the race I realised that my left Calf did hurt and it didn’t got much better until Saturday evening. I knew I couldn’t do the race in my old shoes, so I went to buy new running shoes and got new Asics and some great advice at The Athletes Foot at V&A Waterfront. The very helpful advice I got from Athletes Foot owner Grant Bryant was that I should be using my old inner soles in the brand new running shoes.

Race day:

With this in mind I arrived in Bergvliet on time for the 7am race start – see photo above for my impression, standing at the end of the start block. The start went well and after few minutes everybody was able to run at his or her own pace without accidentally running into others. The ache from tension in my leg didn’t really got worse during the race and I only felt weak towards the 16k mark but had no serious struggle to finish the race. My only serious issue was Runkeeper on my Android phone that crashed after 8 km just to restart with a new session that I can’t merge together. This is the reason why you can only see the last 13 km on this map.

Randolf Jorbergs Peninsula Marathon results

The race is seriously beautiful and despite the strong South-Easter wind I fully enjoyed the run past Muizenberg, Kalk Bay, Fish Hoek and Simonstown. Without my Runkeeper tracking my run I couldn’t check for time and was really surprised to end 1:58:20 and was #346 out of the 1265 half-marathon runners when the Peninsula Marathon results were published!

The Atmosphere at the finish was really pleasant, as drinks were available, 15-minute massages could be bought for a mere 50 Rand and I met four friends from the The Drinking Club with a Running Problem who just finished the full marathon in 4:29 running together for the whole race! After some glasses of Moreson bubbly we were strong enough to move to a very late breakfast at Boulders Beach restaurant – aaaah – I love these beautiful days in Cape Town!

Randolf after the Peninsula Marathon

Randolf Jorberg right after finishing the Peninsula Marathon

Peninsula Marathon 21 and 42 km results

Posted on Feb 23, 2011 under Peninsula Marathon | 1 Comment

peninsula marathon 2011Despite the strong South-Easter blowing the Peninsula Marathon 2011 was a very well organised event that saw 3131 runners completing the Peninsula Marathon & Half Marathon on Sunday. I’ve also published a personal report from my first ever half-marathon at the Peninsula Marathon 2011. The following table shows the provisional results as issued by the race organizers. To look for your result, just start typing your name into the search box of the respective distance you went for:

Full Marathon results (42.195 km)

[table id=4 /]

Half Marathon results (21.0975 km)

[table id=3 /]

I did run the Marathon myself and made spot #346 🙂

2010 Peninsula Marathon results are in!

Posted on Feb 24, 2010 under Peninsula Marathon, Race results | 1 Comment

peninsula marathon 2011Finally we got the official results from last Sundays 2010 BDO Peninsula Marathon for the 42 km distance:

To look for your result, just start typing your name into the search box of the respective distance you went for:

Full Marathon results (42.195 km)

[table id=7 /]

Half Marathon results (21.0975 km)

[table id=6 /]


This is the complete awards list for the Marathon runners:

Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 LISA BAUMANN 983 39 O F MPWP 03:14:39
2 FARWA MENTOOR 2156 36 O F BONITCG 03:16:44
3 JOANNA THOMAS 2049 41 40-49 F VOB 03:21:03
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 MTHANDAZO QHINA 1439 32 O M ADIDAS 02:33:59
2 ZONDWA NOMBEXEZA 1387 26 O M AAC 02:41:07
3 MKHULULI MBEJENI 1963 27 O M AAC 02:45:07
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 JOANNA THOMAS 2049 41 40-49 F VOB 03:21:03
2 URSULA FRANS 1476 41 40-49 F ADIDAS 03:22:16
3 CARINA VAN DER MERWE 1051 45 40-49 F WHALERS 03:36:34
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 CLIFFORD DRURY 2126 40 40-49 M MPWP 02:48:23
2 JIMMY DRURY 2127 40 40-49 M MPWP 02:52:43
3 WILLIE MTOLO 2164 45 40-49 M MPCGA 02:56:52
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 JULIETTE SAVINI 845 52 50-59 F DURBAC 03:43:26
2 LORRAINE ROGERS 1350 50 50-59 F DURBAC 03:45:22
3 HANNELIE STADLER 1353 50 50-59 F STRAND 03:56:55
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 ZAMA WITVOET 492 52 50-59 M RCSGUGS 03:02:45
2 HENRY PAUL CIEVERTS 164 51 50-59 M TOPF 03:06:37
3 DESMORE OPPEL 267 50 50-59 M DURBAC 03:07:11
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 VERONICA VAN NIEKERK 939 64 60-69 F ELGRAB 03:53:29
2 CHIPPY STEEL 785 64 60-69 F HOUTBAY 04:33:02
3 NORMA WHEELER 1071 62 60-69 F WHALERS 04:35:44
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 BARRIE DOWNES 995 60 60-69 M FOREST 03:53:07
2 KENNY WILLIAMS 113 60 60-69 M PINE 03:55:31
3 TONY ABRAHAMSON 73 60 60-69 M FOREST 04:03:00
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
Place Name Last Name No Age Cat Sex Club Time
===== =============== ==================== ===== === ====== === ======== =======
1 CASPAR GREEFF 379 75 70+ M AAC 04:10:19

Peninsula Marathon 2011 results

Peninsula Marathon 2010 route description

Posted on Feb 04, 2010 under Peninsula Marathon | No Comment

We are now happy to provide with you an exact route profile and description, kilometer by kilometer for the 2010 BDO Peninsula Marathon:

START In Main Road to Fish Hoek, at the southern side of the Dido Valley robot intersection next to the robots, facing north.
Runners run on the right hand side of the road whilst running out along Main road until they reach Hillside road where they
cross over to the left hand side of the road and continue on that side until the Glencairn Expressway intersection
1 In Main Road to Fish Hoek, opposite Dixie’s on LHS
2 In Main Road to Fish Hoek, 100m before lookout point on RHS after Glencairn, and opposite large granite rock on LHS
3 In Main Road to Fish Hoek, 35m after yellow fire hydrant on LHS. Cross over to left at Hillside road
4 In Main Road to Fish Hoek, at Ballycline steps on lhs
5 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, 5m before pedestrian crossing at False Bay College, just past bus stop on RHS
6 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, 3m after robots at intersection with 17th Ave
7 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, 8m after chevron sign on LHS just after 20th Ave ( road to FHAC)
8 Kommetjie Road, Fish Hoek, 100m before robots at Glencairn Expressway intersection
Runners turn left at these robots and cross over immediately to the right hand side of the road as they run over Black Hill
9 Black Hill, 15m after start of white slabs on RHS before arm curve barrier and 30m after 90km/hr sign on LHS
10 Black Hill, 100m before roadway on RHS to gate into TMNP area, just before top of Black Hill
11 Black Hill, 100m after half marathon 13km mark, opposite embankment on LHS, after crest of hill
12 Black Hill, half way down Black Hill, 30m before speed limit enforcement sign on LHS and 30m after M6N sign on RHS
13 Black Hill, near bottom of Black Hill, 20m after 90km/hr sign on RHS before Total garage
Runners then turn right onto Main Road and continue running on the right hand side of the road until they reach Red Hill
14 Main Road to Simonstown, at ‘No stopping” sign opposite entrance to Glencairn Station on LHS
15 Main Road to Simonstown, 8m before third entrance to old Marine Oil refinery on RHS
Runners then run over Red hill staying on the left hand side of the road.
16 Red Hill Road, 20m after Main Road intersection, just after entrance to bus depot on RHS
17 Red Hill Road, amongst Blue gum trees, 12m before hairpin bend sign on RHS
18 Red Hill Road, 70m after hairpin bend sign on RHS
19 Red Hill Road, 150m before hairpin bend sign before view site on LHS
20 Red Hill Road, 75m after Brookland Water scheme turn off on RHS
21 Red Hill Road, at top of Red hill
21,1 Red Hill Road, just after top of Red Hill, at entrance to Winford farm on RHS
22 Red Hill Road, half way down red Hill 30m before parking area for bus stop on RHS
23 Red Hill Road, on way down Red Hill 15m before last set of shacks on RHS, opposite large burnt our pine tree on LHS
Runners bear left at the bottom of Red Hill and then cross over to the right hand side of the road and continue on that
side of the road until the finish in Simonstown
24 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 80m before Cape Point Vineyards sign on LHS
25 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 100m before entrance to Cape point nursery on LHS
26 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 5m after fire hydrant and 20m before transformer on pole on RHS
27 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 1m before white culverts
28 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 50m after white bridge
29 Road to Cape Point, (M62) 80m before culverts on either side of the road, in row of pine trees
30 Road to Cape Point,(M62) 80m before white culvert on RHS on hill up to Cape Point entrance
31 Road to Cape Point, (M62), 6m after horses sign on RHS, 100m after Cape Point Ostrich Farm entrance on LHS
32 Road to Simonstown, (M62), just after descent to SmitWinkels Bay, 80m after big pine tree on LHS
33 Road to Simonstown, (M62), 5m before white bridge on LHS, on RH bend
34 Road to Simonstown, (M62), 100m before Millar’s Point on RHS, and opposite steep embankment on RHS, 2m after manhole
35 Road to Simonstown, (M62), on LH bend opposite rocky cliffs on LHS and 100m before parking area on RHS
36 Road to Simonstown, (M62), 15m after two big white painted rocks on RHS, and 20m after driveway on LHS
37 Road to Simonstown, (M62), 80m before entrance to Black Marlin restaurant on RHS
38 Road to Simonstown, (M62), at driveway next to tall pine tree on RHS
39 Road to Simonstown, (M62), half way along metal fence on RHS, 35m before LH intersection sign on LHS
40 Road to Simonstown, (M62), 3m before wooden fence on RHS just before start of Cape Times Fresh Air Fund complex
on LHS
41 Road to Simonstown, (M62), next to Dunearn on RHS, just before school on LHS
Runners the turn right into Martello Drive and then proceed onto the field at the north eastern corner of the field
42 Martello Drive, half way down road to naval sports fields
42,195 Naval Sports ground fields, Simonstown, on halfway line of soccer field facing south

START Main Road Simonstown, at intersection to access road to Simonstown Museum on RHS, facing north, and opposite
Waterfall Road on LHS
Runners run on the right hand side of the road whilst running out along Main road until they reach the Fish Hoek taraffic
1 Main Road to Fish Hoek, half way alon row of white townhouses as you leave simonstown on LHS
2 Main Road to Fish Hoek,8m before white bus shelter on RHS before Dido Valley Road intersection
3 Main Road to Fish Hoek, 10m before Warbler Way on LHS
4 Main Road to Fish Hoek,on hill out of Glencairn, opposite cul du sac on LHS , before Whale viewing are on RHS
5 Main Road to Fish Hoek, 30m before yellow man hole cover on opposite side of road
6 Main Road to Fish Hoek,opposite no 56 Main Road, Fish hoek, “N’yhoba Lodge”
The runners then cross over to the left hand side of the road at the Fish Hoek Traffic Circle and run against the traffic
along Kommetjie Road
7 Kommetjie Road, 20m after 7th Ave and 5m after start of brick wall on LHS
8 Kommetjie Road, at False Bay Hospital sign, 30m before robots at 17th Ave
9 Kommetjie Road, 15m after 20th Ave Fish Hoek, ( FH Athletic Club)
10 Kommetjie Road, 15m after Black Hill/Chapmans Peak Drive direction boad on LHS, 200m before Black Hill Robots
Runners carry on running until the robot on the centre island of the Black Hill/Kommetjie Road intersection before
turning left to proceed up and over Black Hill running within the orange shoulder line against the traffic on the RHS
11 On Black Hill, 20m before 90km/hr sign on LHS as you start going up Black Hill, next to woodcutters on RHS
12 On Black Hill, at start of straight leading up to the top of Black Hill
13 On Black Hill, 500m after top of Black Hill, on RH bend and just past rocky outcrop on LHS
14 Half way down Black Hill 50m before M6N sign on RHS
15 20m before 60km/hr sign on LHS near bottom of Black Hill
Runners take the access road for Black Hill and then cross over to the left hand side of Main road, and continue running
with the traffic all the way to the finish at the Naval Sports grounds
16 Main Road to Simonstown,7m after robot sign on LHS after brick bus shelter on LHS
17 Main Road to Simonstown, 5m after first gate to old Marine Oil refinery, just after graveyard on RHS
18 Main Road to Simonstown, next to blue bench on LHS and 50m before Redhill turnoff
19 Main Road Simonstown, 5m after M4/ Runciman Drive turnoff sign on LHS
20 Jubilee square Simonstown, next to bus stop sign on lamppost on LHS
21 1 m before sidescreen just before entering Naval Sports ground fields ,Simonstown,
21,1 Naval Sports ground fields ,Simonstown, on halfway line of soccer field facing south

2010 BDO Peninsula Marathon registration closing soon

Posted on Feb 03, 2010 under Peninsula Marathon | 3 Comments

Only a few days left to register for the 2010 BDO Peninsula Marathon and Half Marathon. Closing date for Entries is midnight on 14th February 2010 – to enter for the BDO Peninsula Marathon and Half Marathon click here and register online.

Due to restrictions in the vicinity of the Cape Town Stadium and road works in Muizenberg, the routes for the 42km and 21km will remain similar to those used for 2009, starting and finishing in Simonstown. Both races start at 6am. Although challenging with several hills, they offer ideal training for Two Oceans and Comrades.

A Helpers’ Run will again be held the week before the actual race to allow Celtics members to assist with marshalling or helping at a refreshment station. Times will be recorded and can be used to qualify for Two Oceans and Comrades.

BDO Peninsula Marathon

Useful Information and distances:

Martello Road to start of 21.1km                   1500 meters

Martello Road to Jubilee Square                  900 meters

Jubilee Square to start 21.1 km                  600 meters

42.2 km start from 21.1 km start                  2100 meters

Martello Road to start of 42.2 km                  3600 meters