Lighthouse 10km Night Race 2011 in Mouille Point, Cape Town

Posted on Feb 25, 2011 under Running | 4 Comments

I am happy to see that the Lighthouse Ten run is going to happen for the ninth time in 2011, as it was my first road race ever that I participated in in 2010.
The 10km Lighthouse run takes place on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011 along the Sea Point promenade at 6:15pm.

The lighthouse race starts at the Mouille Point Lighthouse in the direction of the V&A Waterfront. It then doubles back along the promenade toward Bantry Bay before returning to the finish at the Lighthouse.

Over 2000 runners are expected to complete the popular 10km run and collect this years medal. A refreshment tent and a live DJ will keep the spectators entertained as they cheer their loved ones along as the sun sets on the horizon.

Registration opens at 4:45pm on Wednesday, 2 March.

licensed seniors R30
licensed juniors R15
unlicensed seniors R45
unlicensed juniors R25

Facebook Event

RULES AND INFORMATION for the 2011 Lighthouse Ten Run

1. Race starts and finishes at the Mouille Point Lighthouse, Beach Rd, between the V&A Waterfront and Sea Point.
2. Participants must be 15 years or older on race day.
3. Licensed club members must wear their 2011 licence numbers on the front and back of their vest.
4 Unlicensed participants must purchase a Temporary Licence at registration and wear this on the front of their
upper garment.
5. In addition to overall (open) prizes, participants will only be eligible for an age category prize in the age
category they enter. Corresponding numerical age category (J, 40, 50, 60) tags must be worn on the front and
back of their club vest. Participants may enter the age category corresponding to their chronological age or
any younger category down to senior.
6 Juniors (born 1992 or later) will count towards open team prizes, provided they wear club colours and J tags.
7 Club colours must be worn to qualify for team prizes.
8. Traffic officials and marshals must be obeyed at all times, failing which disqualification may follow.
9. There will be 3 water points on the course and Coke at the finish.
10. Race entry cards to be worn and be visible for the duration of the race.
11. Registration from 16h45 on day of race only.
12. Temporary licensed participants are eligible for age category prizes provided they enter the relevant
age group, wear the appropriate age tags and provide proof of age.
13. Official cut off is 1 hour 30 minutes.
14. Prize giving will start at 19h45.
15. No personal seconding will be permitted except at official refreshement stations.
16. Each kilometre will be marked.
17. Results will be posted on the WPA website
18. Athletes enter entirely at their own risk. The organisers and sponsors are not responsible for any
loss, damage or injury to participants.
19. Medals will be handed to the first 2000 finishers.
20. Tog bag facilities will be provided. Organisers will take reasonable care but will not be responsible
for any loss. Do not leave valuables in your bag.
21. Social walkers welcome, but due to the nature of the route, we regret no prams or wheelchairs are allowed.
22. Help us ensure that no litter ends up in the sea. Please use the bins provided or carry your empty sachets to
the finish.

An Unofficial Comrades Training Program

Posted on Jan 09, 2004 under Comrades Marathon | No Comment

Training tips: How to ensure a great Comrades
My opinion on the cut-off extension at Comrades Marathon 2004

DATE 16 June 2004
TIME 05:30
DISTANCE 87.3 km’s
START – Durban
FINISH – Pietermaritzburg

Distance of Race Qualifying time
42,2 km 05:00
48 – 50 km 06:00
52 – 54 km 06:30
56 km 07:00
60 km 07:40
64 km 08:20
80 km 10:30
100 km 13:30

There are many different ideas on training for a ultra marathon such as Comrades and there are always people who argue that they have the best training program. I submit, mine isn’t the best but then again, I don’t know who’s is or what the “best” is for that matter. This training program is based on my planning logbook for the 2000 Comrades Marathon. Use it as a guide as that was a training program is all about. If you miss a day, forget it – it’s gone. It cannot be made up.

The reason for placing this training program here is the fact that, to my knowledge, nobody has made their training program available on the net. This is a disgrace as the spirit of Comrades is to help each-other through one of the toughest ultra’s. On the forum when a runner in the USA asked for training tips, the reference was not to a South African site, but one in the States based on running an ultra. I hope that this changes in the future and all recognised coaches have their programs available for all – for free.

The program is for a 10:00 – 12:00 hour cut-off.

Again, I stress, this is a guideline. Go to time trials at the club and chat to experienced Comrades runners but leave the silver medallists alone for now, subscribe to Runners World, attend the panel talks. The program worked will for me and guided me to an “easy” Comrades and what a party throughout and after. The Paulshof Plodders have a saying, “if someone says they enjoyed Comrades, they lie about everything else as well”. There is one thing for sure, it’s a life changing experience and you will cry when you finish your first.

Starting Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total
05/01/03 Rest 8 8 10 5 5 15 51
12/01/03 Rest 8 8 10 6 5 21 58
19/01/03 Rest 6 8 10 8 5 15 52
26/01/03 Rest 6 8 12 8 5 21 60
02/02/03 Rest 10 8 12 10 5 25 70
09/02/03 Rest 5 10 5 10 6 32 68
16/02/03 Rest 8 8 10 6 8 21 61
23/02/03 Rest 8 8 12 5 8 21 62
02/03/03 Rest 8 6 8 6 0 42.2 70.2
09/03/03 Rest 6 6 8 6 8 15 49
16/03/03 Rest 8 8 12 8 8 25 69
23/03/03 Rest 6 8 10 8 10 15 57
30/03/03 Rest 8 8 10 6 0 50 82
06/04/03 Rest 8 8 12 8 8 21 65
13/04/03 Rest 6 8 10 8 8 15 55
20/04/03 Rest 8 8 12 0 56 0 84
27/04/03 Rest 6 8 5 6 8 15 48
04/05/03 Rest 8 6 12 8 8 21 63
11/05/03 Rest 8 6 12 8 6 62 102
18/05/03 Rest Rest 6 10 8 6 32 62
25/05/03 Rest 8 6 10 8 6 15 53
01/06/03 Rest 6 6 8 6 8 21 55
0 153 164 220 152 187 520.2 1396.2

Comrades marathon 2004 Up-Run Pacing Chart

12:00 11:00 09:00 07:30
Route section Distance Km to go Time Pace Time Pace Time Pace Time Pace
Tennis courts 8 79.3 01:08 08:30 01:02 07:47 00:51 06:22 00:42 05:19
Top Cowies 15 72.3 02:03 07:52 01:52 07:12 01:32 05:54 01:17 04:55
Top Fields 24 63.3 03:14 07:05 02:58 07:15 02:25 05:56 02:01 04:57
Halfway up Botha’s Hill 32 55.3 04:17 07:53 03:56 07:14 03:13 05:55 02:41 04:56
Alverston 42 45.3 05:38 08:05 05:10 07:25 04:13 06:04 03:31 05:03
Drummond (half way) 43.5 43.8 05:50 07:33 05:20 06:55 04:22 05:40 03:38 04:43
Over top og Inchanga 47 40.3 06:18 08:19 05:47 07:38 04:44 06:14 03:56 05:12
Harrison / Cato Ridge 56 31.3 07:33 08:16 06:55 07:35 05:40 06:12 04:43 05:10
Camperdown 60 27.3 08:06 08:05 07:25 07:25 06:04 06:04 05:03 05:03
Umlaas Road 67 20.3 09:05 08:33 08:20 07:50 06:49 06:25 05:41 05:21
Halfway up Little Polly’s 74 13.3 10:03 08:19 09:13 07:38 07:32 06:14 06:17 05:12
Bottom of Polly Shorts 77 10.3 10:30 08:38 09:37 07:55 07:52 06:28 06:33 05:24
Top of Polly Shorts 80 7.3 10:58 09:42 10:03 08:54 08:14 07:17 06:51 06:04
Finish 87.3 0 12:00 08:25 11:00 07:43 09:00 06:19 07:30 05:16