The Paul Selby Fit 2000 12/24 hour Circuit Race challenge

Posted on Feb 17, 2005 under Comrades Marathon | No Comment

Fit 2000 Athletic Club Central Gauteng, Bedfordview will be staging a unique 50km Comrades qualifying race. The inaugural event in 2004 was so popular that Champion Chip timing has this year been introduced and has opened the door to what must surely be the most unique Comrades qualifier or opportunity to test performance and supplements in a secure environment with ample seconding and camaraderie from other athletes.

Runners may start the race at any time from 19h00 on Friday the 25th of February until 12h00 on Saturday the 26th of February and will then have exactly six hours to complete the 50km`s to qualify for Comrades. In fact, this also represents the last date in Gauteng when athletes may qualify for the Two Oceans marathon by completing 50kms in 6 hours and 30 minutes.

The race is run on a flat 2km tar, paved and grass circuit through St. Benedicts College with seconding tables every kilometre and the opportunity for personal seconds to aid and assist their fellow runners throughout the day or night. The opportunity to run in the evening provides athletes with guaranteed cool conditions plus the camaraderie of having numerous other athletes on the track at all times to provide encouragement and support. With a copy of the final event results, all competitors will receive a schedule of their own 2km splits throughout the race to assist in providing invaluable information on performance.

The Comrades Marathon Association has given their approval of this race. Race Director, Robin Jelley, predicts that the concept will become extremely popular in years to come when athletes use this exciting opportunity to qualify for the world”s greatest ultra marathon in such style!

The race is staged by Fit 2000 Athletic club in recognition of Paul Selby”s achievements and contribution to road running in South Africa and abroad. Paul completed a double Comrades marathon in 1999 to raise two hundred thousand rands for cancer. In 2003 he ran 1000 miles in 1000 hours in London also for charity. (The equivalent of a marathon every day for no less than 6 weeks!)

Paul invites athletes to run with him during the 24 hour period. Entries for the 12 our day and separate 12 hour night events plus 24 hour race will be taken up until Monday the 14th of February. The closing date for entries of the 50km event will be kept open until the maximum race entry has been received so you are encouraged to enter early to avoid disappointment.

  • Date: Friday 25th & Saturday 26th February 2005
  • Venue: St Benedicts College – Bedfordview
  • Distances: 50km Flexi Challenge and 12/24Hr Race
  • Start Time: See Entry Form for all details
  • Timed By: ChampionChip

Results with ongoing Lap count and Lap times will be available during the event and final results will be available on the ChampionChip Internet site

We look forward to welcoming you to our race for an enjoyable day with the family and friends.

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